PUBLISHED ON 08/02/2023

WEBINAR | THURSDAY 16 FEBRUARY 2023, 12:00 - 13:30

UK citizens who moved to Belgium after the Brexit transition period, and those still planning their move, are subject to the rules generally applicable to non-EU nationals.

This webinar will give an overview of the immigration options for UK citizens after Brexit. We will present possible routes to residence and work rights for various categories of UK citizens, such as business travellers, employees, self-employed persons, frontier workers, trainees, etc. We then explore the rights these residents hold after acquiring the right to live in Belgium, so the session will also interest UK citizens already living here who arrived after Brexit.

Issues addressed
  • The right to live and work in Belgium for UK citizens after Brexit
  • Extended absence and return
  • Family reunification
  • Social security coverage
  • Travel inside and outside the EU (Schengen Area)
  • Conducting business and work trips to other EU countries

Note that this webinar will offer an overview on various topics relevant to UK citizens living in Belgium before Brexit, some of which will be explored in more detail through later webinars or our newsletter for UK citizens.

  • Chair: Amélie Bovy, Legal Adviser Welcome Desk,
  • Jo Antoons, Managing Partner, Fragomen Brussels
  • Andreia Ghimis, Immigration Manager, Fragomen Brussels


Download the slides from this session (pdf)


Alongside these webinars, is also launching a monthly newsletter for 2023. This new mailing will explore in detail some of the most complex aspects of post-Brexit life for UK citizens living in Belgium or planning to move here. Each edition will focus on a specific case study, starting from one tricky question and then exploring the detail that UK citizens should be aware of.


In this series of free webinars for UK citizens living in Brussels or thinking of moving here, we give you the chance to speak with legal experts about some of the more complicated aspects of life after Brexit. Each session starts with a presentation of the legal and practical aspects of the issue at stake, before we move on to an open Q+A. These webinars are part of a project funded by the EU’s Brexit Adjustment Reserve, in which we are also publishing our newsletter the Brexit Brief and developing an online Brexit HelpdeskTo receive event invitations and the monthly newsletter straight to your inbox, sign up today!


These pages, webinars and newsletters have been developed in a project funded by the EU’s Brexit Adjustment Reserve.

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