PUBLISHED ON 10/11/2023

As the go-between for Brussels and its European and international organisations, commissioner.brussels has a special attachment to the European Quarter. We participate in many initiatives to manage and modernise this unique neighbourhood, including the ongoing works at Schuman Roundabout and plans to revitalise the Cinquantenaire park. This week the Region and its partners launched a new brand for the European Quarter with an event at our offices. Read on to learn more about the brand and our role in its development.

Brussels stands tall on the European and international stage thanks to the hundreds of European and international organisations with headquarters or representations here. You find their offices all over the Region, but the beating heart of the Brussels international sector is undeniably the European Quarter. This area of town around the key EU institutions is mainly known for offices, workers and meetings, but it is also a place to live, shop and enjoy culture. In fact, the European Quarter is already one of the most important tourist destinations in the Brussels-Capital Region, while a new urban vision aims to make the district more liveable and better connected with the rest of the city.

A new brand to tell a different story

Brussels wants to tell everyone about the European Quarter, from visitors to residents who might not realise just how much there is to see. To support those efforts, the Region has launched a new brand for the neighbourhood! “European Quarter Brussels” aims to change the image of the area with vibrant colours, an eye-catching logo and, above all, a more positive story.

The linguistic brand promotes a new narrative for the district: the European Quarter embodies Europe on a human scale in all its diversity, welcoming all Brusseleirs and other visitors. It is a multicultural, lively and cosmopolitan space, and a creative laboratory for new projects, initiatives and innovations! Alongside cosy and hidden locations, the European Quarter also offers a wonderful balance between nature and the city. Its core values are openness, inclusion, ambition and innovation.

Meanwhile, visual guidelines and brand elements define colours, logos and other visual aspects of the brand, clarifying where and when to use them.

A shared brand for everyone in the European Quarter

Developing and implementing European Quarter Brussels is a collective creative effort by all the European Quarter stakeholders such as the hospitality sector, international associations, European institutions and regional and local administrations as well as the cultural sector and neighbourhood committees.

commissioner.brussels was part of the core working group which developed the brand, , but we also acted as a relay with other actors. For example, we invited the European institutions to meetings so we could get their feedback and encourage them to engage with the brand rollout. We also hosted sessions with the municipalities (communes/gemeenten) on whose territory the European Quarter sits. This multi-level and multi-stakeholder approach is vital to making this a brand for all actors in the neighborhood, from huge institutions to small businesses. Getting everyone involved will be vital to making the brand a coherent face for the district.

commissioner.brussels at the forefront as the brand is launched

Alain Hutchinson, the Brussels Commissioner for Europe and International Organisations, spoke at a hub.brussels event for the local business community on 8 November. Around 60 entrepreneurs and traders gathered to hear what the various regional actors are doing in and for the European Quarter. The new brand was a key topic on the agenda, alongside urban renovation works and support for the local economy.

On Thursday 9 November, we were proud to host the formal launch of the brand – organised by visit.brussels – in our offices. Journalists, policymakers and institutions gathered to see the brand implemented across various materials and to learn about plans for the roll out. Keep your eyes peeled for online and physical evidence of the brand in the months ahead, as all stakeholders start to use it and the Region launches campaigns to share this new look and new voice for our open, inclusive, ambitious and innovative EU Quarter!

Get involved!

There's many ways for European Quarter stakeholders to use and support the brand.

You can find all the information, materials and contacts on the website: www.euqbbrand.brussels

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