Elections 2024

2024 is a big year for elections in Brussels and Belgium! On Sunday 9 June, voters elected regional and federal parliaments as well as the Belgian members of the European parliament. Next, on Sunday 13 October, we will vote for our municipal councillors.

Who can vote?

  • If you are a Belgian national, you are automatically registered to participate in all elections - and participaton is obligatory.
  • If you are an EU citizen living in Belgium, you have the right to vote in both the European and municipal elections - but you need to make sure you are registered in advance.
  • If you are a non-EU citizen living in Belgium for at least 5 years, you have the right to vote in the municipal elections - but you need to make sure you are registered in advance.
  • For the first time ever, 16 and 17 year old can vote in the European elections in Belgium! This right applies to young residents whether they are Belgians or EU citizens. For the regional, federal and muncipal elections, the age limit remains 18.

Why should I vote?

If you live in Brussels, you are a citizen of Brussels. Voting is a way for you to have your say on life in your community. This is the vibrant, diverse capital of Europe, so we need to hear from everyone! Non-Belgians make up a third of the population in the Brussels-Capital Region, so they can have a real impact on the results.

For the European elections, EU citizens need to choose if they vote here or at home. It's totally up to you where you vote, but you should not miss out on the opportunity to participate in the world's second-biggest election. Each vote strengthens our collective democracy, and guides the European Parliament as it makes laws about vital areas of our life: the environment, the economy, security, migration, and our rights as citizens, worker and consumers. People who move from one EU country to another experience the reality of Europe every day, but they are actually less likely to vote in EU elections than people who still live in their home country. Let's turn this trend around!

When it comes to the municipal elections, it's all about the local level. Municipalities (communes/gemeenten) have a lot of power in Belgium. They make and implement decisions with a big impact on your daily life. At the local level, results often depend on a few hundred votes, so don't miss your chance to make a difference! Using your right to vote in Belgian municipal elections has no impact on your right to vote in your home country.

How do I register and vote?

If you are not Belgian, you need to register for the electoral lists. Make sure to do this before the deadline.

  • Deadline to register for the European elections: 31 March 2024
  • Deadline to register for the municipal elections: 31 July 2024

These are two separate lists, so you can register for one or both. But you need to make sure you're on the right list(s)!

Most non-Belgians can now register online using their ID card reader or an app like itsme®. If you don't have a Belgian card with a chip, you might even be able to use your ID card from your home country . Just visit this site to register immediately: www.inscription.elections.fgov.be.

If you cannot access the online registration platform, you'll need to sign up using a paper form. Find out how to do that in the info pages and FAQs on this site.

And what about obligatory voting, bilingual lists, proxy votes and electronic elections? Voting in a new country raises a lot of questions! The info pages and FAQs have all the details you need, in clear and simple English.

I still have questions!

If you've read the information here and you still have a question, reach out to the Expat Welcome Desk.